Saturday, February 9, 2013

Don't Touch The Edges


This lesson is a beginning painting lesson that introduces the concept of MAPPING and COLORS and SHADOWS ARE SHAPES.


·        1 pool ball ( students can work in groups from different angles

·        Gessoed Canvas paper taped to cardboard 8X10 OR 9X12

·        Red acrylic paint for priming

·        Oil colors

·        Spotlight

Student adheres pool ball to white paper (so it doesn’t roll) and experiments with lighting angles.

3 thumbnail sketches the size of a credit card are drawn in the sketchbook in pencil

There will be NO gradual shading- students have to make a decision where a shade changed by drawing lines (think paint by numbers)

This exercise forces them to examine very carefully the simple object they are painting and look for nuances in color between shadows and objects.

It is very important to NOT HAVE ANY COLORS TOUCH.

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